One of the Volunteerism of the Year Awards can be yours!
NOMINATE NOW!The Minister, Economic Growth Office Director at USAID Kosovo Brian Martalus, Program Manager at Kosova Education Center – KEC Luljeta Demjaha, and TOKA-s CEO Jehona Gjurgjeala, visited the “Change-Makers” Camp during the certification ceremony for the camper’s volunteer work.
“Skënderbeu” and “Dëshmorët e Kombit” Schools of Kamenica now have shelves and chairs for their classes and reading corners thanks to our campers, and we are proud of their work!
//The Change-Makers Camp is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports and the ”After School Support for Teens” (ASSET) Program, funded by USAID Kosovo and implemented by the Kosova Education Center – KEC , in partnership with FHI 360 and Crimson Capital Corp.
These are the latest developments from our programs and activities.