The evaluation results for the call for proposals for implementation of the one-stop-shop youth employability mod

April 29, 2021

TOKA opened the call for proposals to receive grants from CSOs for the implementation of the one-stop-shop youth employability model from 29th of March 2021 to 26th of April 2021 within the project “My career from zero to hero – Strengthening networks of Western Balkan CSOs to implement one-stop-shop youth employability model for future jobs of 4.0. digital revolution”. 

The project foresees the creation of the one-stop-shop innovative employability model for NEET youth (young people not in education, employment or training), providing them with skills required for future jobs of the 4.0 digital revolution. The one-stop-shop model services to be implemented by CSOs are:

1.A Level Digital Skills 

2.B Level Digital Skills 

3.A Level Career Counselling 

4.B Level Career Counselling 

5.A and B Level – Digital Skills Online Video Tutorials 

6.B Level Entrepreneurship

We are happy to announce that, from a total of seven CSOs applications, the following CSOs have been selected to provide services within this project: 

One-Stop-Shop ServiceCSO Score
B Level EntrepreneurshipKosovar Youth Council (KYC)75
B Level Digital Skills Fondacioni Bonevet Prishtinë91.12
A Level Career Counselling Institute for Research, Education, and Social Development (IREDS)87

TOKA will extend its Call for Proposals for the following three services until 19th of May 2021, for the reasons highlighted below: 

a.A Level Digital Skills – no applications received.

b.B Level Career Counselling  – no applications received.

c.A and B Level – Digital Skills Online Video Tutorials – re-opening the Call due to lack of qualified applications.

The project “My Career from Zero to Hero – Strengthening networks of Western Balkan CSOs to implement innovative youth employability model for future jobs of 4.0. digital revolution is three-year-program implemented by Centre for Youth Work (Serbia), Forum MNE (Montenegro), CEM (Bosnia and Herzegovina), TOKA (Kosovo) and YSC (Albania) financed by the European Union.


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