One of the Volunteerism of the Year Awards can be yours!
NOMINATE NOW!For the first time in the history of our state, TOKA organizes Solidarity Action Day with impressive results.
– 6 days of voluntary work (June 2, 3, 5, 8, 9 and 10)
– 275 engaged volunteers
– 25 businesses with 4,332 Eur raised for the Solidarity Action Day Fund
– 14 sponsors in different forms
– 55 Youth Leaders engaged
Partner Businesses
These businesses are the main pillar of this project, without which the volunteers would not be able to contribute to the community. In Solidarity Action Day 2023, we had 25 partner businesses:
To understand more about their experience, we asked the representatives of these businesses about their experience on Solidarity Action Day and received hopeful answers for the future of this project!
Asked about their motivation to join this project, 90% of businesses stated that the desire to support a charitable cause led them to become part of Solidarity Action Day, while 80% stated that the desire to encourage volunteer work in the Kosovar youth was the main motivators.
As for the volunteers engaged in the Solidarity Action Day, 94% of the businesses rated their selection and preparation by the TOKA staff as excellent, 92% of them were very satisfied with the quality of the volunteers, and 91% stated that the performance of volunteers during the Solidarity Action Day has been very good.
According to the businesses, TOKA’s organizing staff did a very good job in organizing this project, and 97% of them rated their direct experience with TOKA as excellent.
Furthermore, 80% of businesses surveyed expressed a desire to be involved in Solidarity Action Day 2024, with 70% willing to make a similar commitment in 2023 and 30% foreseeing even more ambitious cooperation than that of 2023.
The clearest conclusion of this project is that Kosovar youth are highly motivated to contribute through volunteer work. In just a few weeks, we have received over 1,000 applications from young people between the ages of 13 and 34, who come from 28 municipalities inside and outside Kosovo, who are high school students, students at public universities or private institutions, who are unemployed, but also those who are alreadyemployed but have the will to make mistakes!
Besides all 275 engaged volunteers were certified by TOKA, we got their impressions on the Solidarity Action Day.
First, we asked them “Why did so many young people apply to be part of Solidarity Day?”
90% of our volunteers stated that the desire to do voluntary work was the main motivation for their commitment to Solidarity Action Day, while 83% of volunteers said that what prompted them to apply was the desire to support a charitable cause.
In the question “How was their experience with businesses?”, 70% of volunteers rated the experience with business staff during Solidarity Action Day as excellent.
Whereas, for the organizers of this project, 83% of the volunteers said that the experience with the TOKA staff before and during the Solidarity Action Day was exceptional.
Their experience in 2023 has been so good that almost 100% of volunteers (99%) stated that they would recommend Solidarity Action Day to their friends. 80% of volunteers plan to apply to Solidarity Action Day 2024, while 70% of them want to apply for the Youth Leaders Academy so that they themselves can organize the Solidarity Action Day in the future.
These results motivate us to continue with the organization of Solidarity Action Day 2024 and to make it even more interesting and uplifting for the youth of Kosovo.
Youth Leaders
After 2 kick-off trainings with 70 young participants, after 7 preparatory workshops, after almost 70 meetings with businesses, local and international organizations, local and central level shareholders, school leaders, etc., the Youth Leaders of the Academy complete their mission 8 months!
Solidarity Action Day engaged 55 Leaders in 7 different municipalities of Kosovo, who like worker bees took care of our 275 volunteers.
This journey did not end without many lessons learned.
61% of Leaders strongly believe that the Kick-off Training is the most useful experience of the Academy, and 73% of them believe that they have learned the most from their experience in logistical engagement on Solidarity Action Day throughout these months.
Since November of last year, 43% of Leaders emphasized that they have noticed in themselves extraordinary development of communication, time management, team, task, negotiation, administrative, logistical and volunteer management skills through commitment to the TOKA’s Academy.
When Leaders compared their Academy experience to other training/volunteer experiences, 68% of them said that the Youth Leaders Academy was a much better experience than other experiences they have participated in before.
But what made this experience so special?
95% of Leaders rate TOKA’s organizational staff as excellent and their approach to this project as one of the main drivers of engagement. According to them, the Youth Leaders Academy and Solidarity Action Day is a rare youth project in Kosovo for several reasons. This project’s clear goal, challenging nature, innovative elements, with a long implementation time, with a variety of tasks, and with opportunities for the creation of new friendships that continue even after the end of the Academy.
The specifics of this experience led them to state that 70% of them would strongly recommend the Youth Leaders Academy to their friends as a meaningful and growing experience. Whereas, half of them want to apply again to be part of the Academy for another year.
The Youth Leaders also gave ideas on how the Academy can be improved for the new generations and very soon the application call will be opened for the 2nd Generation of this Academy, which in its first year made a splash with successes in the field of volunteering youth unheard of before in our country!
Sponsors of Solidarity Action Day
This project would not be possible without the support of our sponsors, to whom we are extremely grateful:
Solidarity Action Day Donors
Solidarity Action Day is part of the environmental activities of the Swedish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (SIDA), through its “Human Rightivism” Program that is implemented by CDF and TOKA; is supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Civil Society (KCSF) ‘EJA Kosova’ – co-financed by the Swedish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (SIDA), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; as from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. This project is developed in cooperation with the SAME network of organizations.
We thank the donors of this project for their continued support!
These are the latest developments from our programs and activities.