One of the Volunteerism of the Year Awards can be yours!
NOMINATE NOW!A world in which no one makes any kind of contribution to others is very poor. Such a world is loved at least by the new mentors of TOKA, who over the past weeks passionately wrote and designed a total of seven brochures.
These brochures contain the necessary information for the new students of these high schools. To celebrate their work, please download the brochures below and share them with the 10th graders you know of the mentioned schools.
1. SHML Gjimnazi “Dardania”, Hani i Elezit/Dzeneral Jankovic
2. SHMP “Feriz Guri dhe Vëllezërit Çaka”, Kaçanik/Kacanik
3. SHMM “Dr. Asllan Elezi”, Gjilan/Gnjilane
4. SHML Gjimnazi “Kuvendi i Lezhës”, Viti/Vitina
5. SHML Gjimnazi Filologjik “Eqrem Çabej”, Prishtinë/ Pristina
6. SHML Gjimnazi “Naim Frashëri”, Shtime/Stimlje
7. SHML Gjimnazi “Aleksandër Xhuvani”, Podujevë/Podujevo
TOKA mentors met for several days online and with the help of each other, the school students and the respective school principals managed to achieve their goal.
To realize this booklet, they put into practice their latest skills of digitizing non-formal activities as well as various other materials. This shows that our activist mentors are already capable of overcoming any kind of challenge and we commend them for their wonderful work.
Our work is especially dedicated to the 10th-grade students who these days joined the school benches in a completely new environment. We know how difficult it can be to adapt to a new school, so this is our gift to you, good luck!
This publication was produced with the financial support of the European Union and is part of the Environmental activities, which is funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) through its Human Rightivism Program. Its contents are the sole responsibility of TOKA and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union nor the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
These are the latest developments from our programs and activities.