Youth Leaders of the Academy advocate for Kosovo’s youth!

November 1, 2023

As part of the Young Leaders Academy, a group of amibitous youth have organized a campaign to empower volunteering through Solidarity Action Day with the goal to improve the culture of youth volunteering and civic activism.

As a result, the Young Leaders compiled a Recommendation Document for the individuals who maintain the KoVo platform – which is the first volunteer unification platform in Kosovo. KoVo, as a platform, is free of charge where non-profit organizations can post volunteer opportunities, and it is a place where passionate and dedicated volunteers can find opportunities to lend their talent and time.

Believing in the mission of KoVo and recognizing the power of volunteering and the importance of appreciating this meaningful commitment, the Young Leaders prepared this detailed document with suggestions. To learn more, please read the document at this link.

In addition to the recommendations for KoVo, these enthusiastic young individuals have also prepared recommendations for the Ministry of Youth, Culture, and Sports regarding youth legislation. To see the issues they have raised, click on this link.

Youth Leaders Academy is part of the environmental activities of the Swedish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (SIDA), through its “Human Rightivism” Program that is implemented by CDF and TOKA; is supported by the Kosovo Foundation for Civil Society (KCSF) ‘EJA Kosova’ – co-financed by the Swedish Agency for International Cooperation and Development (SIDA), the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), and the Government of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg; as from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports. This project is developed in cooperation with the SAME network of organizations.


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