Conference Panels
The Regional Service-Learning Conference is expected to bring together representatives and participants from countries such as Argentina, Romania, Slovakia, Albania, Montenegro, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina, in a one-day event where topics and issues related to Service Learning will be addressed.
The conference will have two rounds with international panelists on the following topics:
1. The first panel will address the topic of why Service Learning is needed for the present and the future of education with a focus on the involvement of young people in Service Learning. This topic will be discussed in depth by the participating panelists:
Elvira Hadzibegovic, General Director of the Forum MNE from Montenegro
Jehona Gjurgjeala, Director of TOKA from Kosovo
Afërdita Gjoni, from the Mary Ward Loreto Foundation from Albania.
This panel will be moderated by Alzbeta Brozmanová Gregorova, who is an Associate Professor at Matej Bel University and President of the Platform of Volunteer Centers and Organizations.
2. The second panel of this conference will focus on the pedagogy of Service-Learning as in-depth, in-service teachers’ professional development, with a focus on the school and teachers. This topic will be addressed by:
Edina Malkic, Director of the International Association of Open Schools (MIOS) from Bosnia and Herzegovina
Simina Bejenaru, Teacher and Facilitator at Transylvania College from Romania
Bojana Peric Prkosovacki, Kolping Society of Serbia from Serbia.
This panel will be moderated by Anca Gaidos, Director at the New Horizon Foundation from Romania.
Conference Workshops
Three workshops will be held during the Conference which aim to inform and discuss with the participants more about the Methodology of Service Learning.
The topics of the workshops will be:
“What is service in the context of COVID-19?”, led by Edina Malkic;
“Why is student participation in Service-Learning activities so important?”, led by Rreze Hoxha, TOKA Program Manager; and
“I want to start practicing Service-Learning – what are my first steps?”, led by Anca Gaidoss.
This project is supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo, through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights EIDHR.
These are the latest developments from our programs and activities.