
You see more and work better when you have more pairs of eyes and hands. We’ve completed incredible projects together while learning from each other at the same time. 

Institute for Educational Research and Development (IRDE) at the Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina

The Institute for Educational Research and Development (IRDE) is a bridge between the Faculty of Education and society by promoting professionalism through the professional development of teachers, excellence in research work in the field of education, cooperation and partnership for sustainable reforms in education, and social responsibility.

University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”

As a part of its vision, the University of Prishtina aims to deliver a higher education provision grounded in quality assurance, programs of study that respond to the need of the job market; to support students and staff international mobility within EU exchange programs; to increase cooperation with European higher education institutions. Furthermore, the UP aims to promote research in key areas that are crucial to Kosovo’s scientific, cultural and economic development.

SAME – Solidarity Action Day Movement

Organizatat e rrjetit “SAME” veprojnë mbi bazën e të drejtave të njeriut. Rrjeti nxit të rinjtë në mbarë botën që të punojnë së bashku për një botë të qëndrueshme dhe të drejtë. SAME u mundëson të rinjve nga prejardhje të ndryshme të mësojnë nga njëri-tjetri me qëllim që të forcojnë ndjenjën e tyre të përgjegjësisë sociale, ekologjike dhe ekonomike dhe kompetencat e tyre, të bëhen qytetarë aktivë në shoqëritë e tyre. Organizata e rrjetit “SAME” përhapin mesazhin e tyre nëpërmjet një sërë kanalesh për të arritur një spektër të gjerë njerëzish. Rrjeti beson në fuqinë e rinisë dhe dëshiron ta bëjë zërin e tyre të dëgjohet.

CLAYSS, Argetina

Since April 2016 CLAYSS has been supporting partners in different countries in Central and Eastern Europe through training, facilitation, design of bibliography specific to the region, technical assistance to promote service-learning at a regional level. Since these activities began, partners involved have been meeting online and onsite to promote exchange, mutual understanding and mutual learning, understanding that cooperation among key actors provides support and makes service-learning in the region stronger.

Municipality of Prishtina

Pristina of the future is a city with efficient and quality services which are in function of the general welfare of its citizens.
A city with a good urban and spatial planning which makes the capital city a safe center for a prosperous socio-economic, cultural, educational and sports life by providing welfare and quality of life to the citizens of the Municipality of Pristina. 

Municipality of Peja

Me qëllim që qytetarit ti ofrohen sa më shumë informata, në këtë faqe do të gjeni dokumente dhe informacione të shumta për punën e Kuvendit Komunal dhe organeve të tij. Në faqen zyrtare të Komunës së Pejës mund t’i gjeni të dhënat e përgjithshme për Komunën e Pejës. Duke hyrë nëpër menytë e caktuara, ju mund të njiheni më mirë me historikun, profilin dhe të dhëna tjera të rëndësishme për Komunën e Pejës, popullsinë, organizimin, strukturën dhe funksionet e organeve të pushtetit lokal. “Peja qytet në të cilin vlen të jetohet dhe të vizitohet” 

Municipality of Gjakova


DokuFest, International Documentary and Short Film Festival, is the largest film festival in Kosovo. Each year the festival fills the cinemas and improvised screening venues around historic city center of Prizren with a selection of more than 200 hand picked films from around the world. Documentary photo exhibitions, debates, master classes and lively music events are also part of the 9 days of the festival.

Astronomy Club of Kosova

Astronomy Club of Kosova, is the first science activity and the highest distribution of astronomy throughout Albanian areas with the aim of spreading the knowledge of Science & Astronomy as well the phenomena or scientific secrets of the cosmos. ACK, it aims to build, promote, popularize and bring the knowledge of science and astronomy in the Republic of Kosovo and the region. Founded on March 20, 2014 by a group of passionate students of astronomy.

Dardania Alpine Club

Klubi Alpin ‘Dardania’, organizon aktivitete alpinizmi/ngjitje në gurë në Kosovë

KA ‘Dardania’, u themelua ne fund të vitit 2013 me qëllim të zhvillimit të sportit të alpinizmit në Kosovë. Klubi u themelua nga Rinora Gojani, Milaim Kelmendi dhe Mentor Maloku. 

Qëllimi i Klubit Alpin ‘Dardania’ është: 
– të bëjë shënjimin e shtigjeve për alpinizëm (fillestar dhe ekstrem)
– të organizoj aktivitete alpinizmi për anëtarët e klubit dhe 
– të bëjë trajnimin e të rinjve për alpinizëm.

BoneVet Makerspace

BONEVET is a non-profit community center where people gather to share resources and knowledge, work on projects, network, and build. It is an informal combination of a lab, a shop and a conference room which encourages “hands-on” exploration by providing resources that are usually unavailable to individuals working alone. Through this, we want to nurture a vibrant community of idea and resource sharing among its makers, which will foster character building traits like grit, creativity, open-mindedness, social responsibility and most importantly team work.

City of Johnston, USA

Johnston, Iowa and Peja, Kosovo have been sister cities since April 25, 2013. The Mayor of Peja at the time, Ali Berisha, traveled to Johnston to participate in a ceremony where the Sister City agreement, written in both English and Albanian, was signed. Mayor Berisha and his staff spent several days in Johnston learning about our community, touring schools and businesses, and sharing ideas about how we can help each other achieve mutual goals.

City of Fort Dodge, USA

The Iowa National Guard and the State of Iowa has experienced an expanding relationship with the Republic of Kosovo. Along with Iowa Sister States, all have facilitated many military and civilian exchanges. These exchanges are instrumental in helping Kosovo, the newest democracy in Europe, develop a professional and stable security force and economic and political security for its citizens. In 2013 Governor Branstad signed a Sister State Agreement with Kosovo, which made it Iowa’s 9th Sister State Partner. The City of Johnston and Fort Dodge will be the only cities in Iowa to form a Sister City Partnership.

Kosova Ideas

Forum MNE, Montenegro

Forum MNE has been active in Montenegro since 2002. It first started out as PRONI Institute for Social Education, then as Forum Syd, and ever since March 2007, it has been Forum MNE. On 28th of March 2007, by the decision of the founding board of Forum MNE and Forum Syd from Sweden, Forum MNE grew from an international project into a national based organization. Forum MNE initiates local strategies for the development of communities, through non-formal education and community youth work.

Since it was founded, Forum MNE has been largely supported by SIDA – Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. Since 2006, Forum MNE developed partnerships with a great number of international as well as national donators, such as ERSTE Foundation, European Commission and Rockefeller Brothers Fund, all the while starting a network on a local, national, and European level.

Iowa Sister States, USA

Our mission is to provide international programs that promote the mutual interests of citizens in Iowa and our Partner States.

4H Iowa State, USA

Vision: Preparing Iowa’s youth to be successful, contributing members of society.

Mission: 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential through youth-adult partnerships and research-based experiences.

In 2016 the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP), which is the national representative leadership and governing body of Cooperative Extension, adopted the 4-H Grows: A Promise to America’s Kids Vision. This vision states that in 10 years “4-H will reflect the population demographics, diverse needs, and social conditions of the country. This vision has the elements of inclusion, caring adults, involves at least 1 in 5 youth, and the volunteers and staff reflect the population.”   Iowa 4-H is deeply committed to this effort. 

Clay and Diamonds, UK

As educators & theatre makers, we ask questions & evoke curiosity in our partners & audiences. Our work allows us to explore humanity & strengthen our communality through open and frank collaborations between artists & scientists.

As educators & theatre makers, we ask questions & evoke curiosity in our partners & audiences. Our work allows us to explore humanity & strengthen our communality through open and frank collaborations between artists & scientists.

We are, in our DNA, an educational organisation. We create opportunities for artists & scientists to build playful & insightful learning experiences for audiences both young & old. Our work encourages curiosity & reveals delicate textures to those that engage with it. 

As we have found and continue to find, it is all about the “&”.

FOTA, Sweden

FOTA është një organizatë jo qeveritare, jo-fitimprurëse, jofetare dhe jo politike e themeluar në Suedi në Qershor 2013. Qëllimi ynë kryesor është t’i fuqizojmë të tinjtë në Skandinavi dhe Ballkan përmes bashkëpunimit mes dy regjioneve. Ne punojmë duke inkurajuar rininë e Ballkanit dhe Skandinavisë të marrin iniciativat e tyre dhe u japim mbështetje ideve të tyre.
Misioni ynë është të jemi një urë mes të rinjëve që vijnë nga këto dy regjione të largëta; një urë për shkëmbimin e ideve që do shpiejë në projekte që prekin probleme shoërore, për bashkë-mësim dhe bashkë-krijim, por gjithashtu një “urë fizike”. Ne duam që të rinjtë të kenë mundësi të vizitojnë shtetin e njëri-tjetrit, dhe të mësojnë nga njëri tjetri. Ne besojmë që të rinjtë nga këto dy regjione kanë shumë për të mësuar dhe për t’i dhënë njëri tjetrit, duke u bazuar në prejardhjen e pasur kulturore dhe eksperiencat jetësore.

SPPMD, North Macedonia

SPPMD or Council for Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency is an NGO running a Youth Club, taking part in Youth in Action Programme, organizing diverse events and implementing many projects.
The organization is formed by a group of local and EVS volunteers from different ethnic, social
and economic backgrounds.

The latest

These are the latest developments from our programs and activities.

SOLIDARITY ACTION DAY – Partnership Opportunity for Businesses

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2024 – The Year of Solidarity!

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Open Position: Development Coordinator

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Together for Volunteerism at the Volunteerism of the Year Conference!

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Kosova Triumphs in the Regional Service Learning Awards!

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A Summer of Exchanges at TOKA Camps!

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*CLOSED*Open Position – Senior Grants and Program Manager

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