On 25th August, President Vjosa Osmani greeted the 4th Generation of Leaders in TOKA’s Service Learning Program. Teachers, psychologists and activists from Youth Organisations from 13 municipalities were trained to open their volunteer youth Clubs from September. These Clubs meet weekly throughout the school year, identify a problem that they want to fix and implement a project to do so. In this process, youth Club members learn many leadership and soft skills that are needed in 21st Century society and workplace. Since 2018, over 200 Leaders and 1,500 youth have participated in Super-Volunteer Clubs.
President Osmani said ‘I admire the commitment, the understanding, and the engagement of these volunteers. Their work has changed a lot of lives for the better. Even though the word “volunteering” is a synonym for a work with no financial reward, the real reward comes in ways that we have not thought nor dreamt of.’
Jehona Gjurgjeala, Executive Director of TOKA, voiced her gratitude for the recognition and support.’Because of the indifference and the cynicism developed in our society in the last few years, our state needs to encourage and promote the people who go against negative trends, by giving positive models to their community – without demanding a reward. It is very encouraging that our institutional leaders are recognising and supporting the voluntary work of the Super-Leaders.’
Thank you Madam President for this honour!
This project is supported by the European Union Office in Kosovo, through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights EIDHR.
These are the latest developments from our programs and activities.