Driera joined our team in April of 2021, she is now a Senior Project Coordinator, she contributes in Solidarity Action Day in Diaspora and summer camps.
She has graduated from the Department of Psychology in the University of Prishtina. During these years, she was committed as a volunteer, intern and project assistant in many civil society organizations by contributing in bettering the community and empowering the youth. In 2018, Driera was awarded the “Volunteers of the Year” title by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport and Innovations Lab Kosovo. She is bringing the same motivation in working with youth in our organization.
During her free time, she likes to read, write, spend quality time with friends and lately she is challenging herself in painting.
Driera’s favorite quote, which may seem simple but inside holds a snip of challenge and hidden wisdom is: “When was the last time you did something for the first time?”.
These are the latest developments from our programs and activities.