Now, HEROes become “Entrepreneurs”

November 15, 2022

After the successful completion of the “Digital Skills” program – where 50 young people attended the “Social Network Manager” and “Web Programmer” courses for free, who were also offered the opportunity for practical work in various companies – The HERO project continues with free courses on “Entrepreneurship”. Through this course, a group of 22 young people will gain entrepreneurial skills, test their business development ideas, and be mentored by experts in the field while they develop their ideas into businesses. In the end, the young people will develop at least 8 business ideas, which they will be able to use to develop their business.

In the first phase of the course, youngsters will learn about entrepreneurship in general, about the legal obligations of the business, and about the financial budget. As a continuation, in the second phase, upcoming entrepreneurs will travel to regional trainings, in order to meet their peers who are following the same course in their country, and to get experience from other trainers. At the regional training in Novi Sad, young people learned important details about how to develop a business idea and a marketing plan, the SCRUM concept, product life cycle development and many other topics. This training gathered over 100 participants from the 5 countries of the Western Balkans (Albania, Montenegro, Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina), countries in which the HERO project is being implemented. Also, the 20 youngsters learned how to present their business idea and how to communicate effectively.

Future Entrepreneurs listen to a lesson in the VentureUP training space, led by the Kosovar Youth Council (KYC)

After the dynamic courses (educational sections) have been completed, the 20 youngsters will start with the practical phase of the course: Mentoring and practical work through market research and business idea development. They will be engaged in internships at different businesses, where they will test the knowledge they gained, by analyzing business processes and coming up with solutions that would improve those. By being embedded in an actual business, these youngsters will have the chance to get employed after their internship trial ends.

At the end of the Entrepreneurship course, the “Competition for the best Business Idea” will be organized at the local level. This competition aims to promote young people’s business ideas and the “One stop shop” methodology – a single place where you can get all the services. Competitions will be held based on the “Elevator Pitch” method to present ideas to a wider audience and potential employers.

Participants in the regional training session (Novi Sad), work on their communications strategy

After the selection of winners in all countries, the leading partner of the project – Centar za omlandinski rad (CZOR) – together with other partners, will organize a regional campaign aimed at promoting the best business ideas and promoting the “One stop shop” which will be followed by a series of regional meetings (online webinar) in order to promote the exchange of experience and promote networking among the winners from the 5 countries of the Western Balkans. The national competitions will have a high visibility which will be ensured through live broadcast and media coverage. The selection committee will be composed of representatives of business, civil society organizations and the Government.

The youngsters have shown great potential and willingness to learn, which is an encouraging sign that the program is working as it should.

The HERO program is a regional program that aims to prepare young people for the digital labor market through various digital, soft and entrepreneurial skills courses. The program is a joint effort between regional organizations: Center for Youth Work – CZOR, Serbia (Lead), Forum MNE, Montenegro; Centar za Edukaciju Mladnih – CEM, Bosnia and Herzegovina; Youth for Social Changes, Albania and TOKA, Kosova.

During the period September 2022 – March 2023, the project is implemented by the Kosovar Youth Council (KYC) and is made possible through the TOKA sub-project.

This program is supported by the European Union (EU).


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