Our Youth Enablers – They grow while helping others grow!

November 3, 2023

Through TOKA, the youth of Kosova have the opportunity to benefit from incredible empowerment opportunities. This is thanks to our collaboration with our youth enablers, who are ambitious young men and women and dedicated teachers.

Our mission always remains empowerment through participation in our activities, but, of course, also through taking on leadership responsibilities. This is best done by the leaders, educators, and involved teachers who not only transmit to young people the energy and commitment to the community but also teach and grow personally during this experience. See below some of the many impressions and testimonials we have received from our youth enablers, on their journey with TOKA. 

1. Personal Growth and Skills Development:

“My experience as a junior educator has been and will remain the experience that has personally grown me and prepared me for my future.”

“I joined the Youth Leaders Academy for a new experience, to develop leadership skills, time management and this is exactly the lessons I learned in my commitment here.”

“My experience in TOKA has been an experience which has given me growth and fulfillment in many aspects.”

2. Leadership and Expression:

“This experience has brought out my leadership, organizational, and communication skills.”

“The freedom to express my thoughts in a safe environment that TOKA is offering us, is just what I crave and look for as a motivated youth in Kosovo.”

“My experience in TOKA most importantly made me see the importance of implementing concrete ideas, and including all participants.”

3. Time Management and Concrete Idea Implementation and Creating Fulfilling Experiences

“Leading a group of youth has lead me to develop leadership skills, time management and problem solving skills. “

“TOKA has realized their mission of making us part of a fulfilling, motivating, and inclusive journey.”


The latest

These are the latest developments from our programs and activities.

SOLIDARITY ACTION DAY – Partnership Opportunity for Businesses

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Apply Now for the European Solidarity Action Day Camp!

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We are hiring – Senior Program Manager!

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